Friday, January 11, 2013

Working with Multiple Services in Navision

Why do we need?

To connect more than one database from the same computer running Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server by creating two distinct instances of Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server.

How do we achieve?

As we know we cannot directly create a second instance/service using NAV Setup, we must create the second Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service manually on the server computer.  

The following article explains us how to create multiple services in Dynamics NAV

Steps to Create the Second Service:

1.       Go to Control panel à Administrative toolsà Services or click startàrunàservices.msc. The Services Snap-in will open.

2.       Stop the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server service.

3.       Now go to the NAV Server installed Folder. By Default this will be available at C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60

4.       Copy the Service Folder and Paste it the same location to create a new folder. Now rename the Pasted Folder as Service 2.

5.       Go to the Command Prompt by RunàCmd. Type the following command. <Computer name> should be your own system name.


sc \\<computername> create MicrosoftDynamicsNAVServer$NAV2 binpath= "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\60\Service2\Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Server.exe $NAV2" DisplayName= "Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Instance 2" start= auto type= own depend= NetTcpPortSharing

     Note: You can also specify a login account for the service as part of the sc command using the obj parameter, such as:  obj= "NT Authority\NetworkService"

6.       If the Command Succeeds, the following message will be displayed:

[SC] CreateService SUCCESS

7.       Open the Services screen (runàServices.msc) to see the Second Service named Microsoft Dynamics NAV Server Instance 2.

8.       Now go to the properties of the newly created service and navigate to the Log On tab

9.       By default the log on will be pointed to the Local System Account option. Now change the option to “This Account” and perform the following actions to configure the second service

·         Use the Browse option to select the Network service account

·         Clear the password and confirm password fields and click OK

·         To verify whether the Service is running, click start and then stop the service.

10.   In the above mentioned step you can also use the domain user account instead of Network service. For more details on domain user account check the following link Walkthrough: Installing the Three Tiers on Three Computers.

By following the above steps we have now created a new service/instance in a single server.

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